How to install Bootstrap in Laravel 7?




Hi Guys,

In this blog,I will show you how to install bootstrap in laravel 7 app. If you have need used bootstrap then you can use this example. If you install bootstrap in laravel 7 app.

I will give you simple and easy example for install bootstrap in laravel 7. Its simple way to install bootstrap in laravel 7. Laravel ui provide way to install boostrap.

If you want to install boostrap 4 in laravel 7 project using composer package to get bootstrap.

composer require laravel/ui

After successfully installed above package then we are ready for install bootstrap with our application.

You can two way to install bootstrap. First one simply install bootstrap install and second is install bootsrtap with auth.

Install Bootstrap

php artisan ui bootstrap

Install Bootstrap With Auth

php artisan ui bootstrap --auth

Now we install bootstrap, you can see your resource directory js folder.

You also need to install npm and run it. so lets run both command.

Install NPM

npm install


npm run dev

Now you can work with your bootstrap 4 app.

You can use it as like bellow:

<!doctype html>



<!-- Scripts -->

<script src="{{ asset('js/app.js') }}" defer></script>

<!-- Styles -->

<link href="{{ asset('css/app.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">



<h1>How to install Bootstrap in Laravel 7? -</h1>



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#Laravel 7