Laravel 10 Elasticsearch Setup Tutorial




Laravel 10 Elasticsearch Setup Tutorial

Hello Dev,

Elasticsearch, an open-source, distributed search and analytics engine built on Apache Lucene, stands out for its prowess in managing vast data volumes while offering rapid and adaptable search capabilities. Its scalability, real-time indexing, and potent querying functionalities are highly regarded.

Let's break down the key aspects and applications of Elasticsearch:

1. Full-Text Search

Elasticsearch excels in full-text search, enabling text searches across multiple document fields. Its support for advanced search features like fuzzy matching, phrase matching, and relevance scoring enhances search accuracy.

2. Scalability and High Availability

Designed for horizontal scaling, Elasticsearch distributes data across nodes to handle substantial data loads. It automatically shards and replicates data for resilience and fault tolerance.

3. Real-Time Data

Documents can be instantly indexed and made searchable after addition or updates, thanks to Elasticsearch's real-time indexing capability.

4. Aggregations and Analytics

Powerful aggregation features enable complex analytics and insights generation, supporting statistical calculations, grouping, filtering, and more.

5. Geospatial Search

Support for geospatial search makes Elasticsearch suitable for location-based applications, allowing queries based on coordinates and distance calculations.

6. Logging and Monitoring

Commonly utilized for log analysis and monitoring, Elasticsearch efficiently ingests and indexes log data, enabling real-time search, analysis, and visualization.

7. Recommendation Systems

Elasticsearch’s search capabilities and scoring algorithms facilitate building recommendation systems based on user behavior and preferences.

8. Elastic Stack Integration

As a core component of the Elastic Stack, Elasticsearch, along with tools like Kibana, Logstash, and Beats, forms a robust data processing and analysis platform.

Elasticsearch's versatility spans applications in e-commerce search, content management systems, enterprise search, monitoring systems, and more.

To start using Elasticsearch:

1. Setup Elasticsearch Cluster

Define index mapping and begin indexing documents.

2. Utilize Elasticsearch in Laravel

Install Elasticsearch and its PHP library via Composer.

Configure Elasticsearch in Laravel's database settings.

Perform Elasticsearch operations in Laravel by utilizing the Elasticsearch PHP library.

Example Laravel integration steps:

Step 1: Install Elasticsearch

Refer to Elasticsearch documentation for installation instructions.

Step 2: Install Elasticsearch PHP Library

Utilize Composer to install the library, for instance:

composer require elasticsearch/elasticsearch

Step 3: Configure Elasticsearch in Laravel

To set up Elasticsearch in Laravel, you'll want to adjust the connection settings. Head over to the 'config/database.php' file, where you can insert the Elasticsearch configuration within the 'connections' array.

'elasticsearch' => [

'driver' => 'elasticsearch',

'hosts' => [


'host' => env('ELASTICSEARCH_HOST', 'localhost'),

'port' => env('ELASTICSEARCH_PORT', 9200),

'scheme' => env('ELASTICSEARCH_SCHEME', 'http'),

'user' => env('ELASTICSEARCH_USER'),

'pass' => env('ELASTICSEARCH_PASS'),




Modify the config/database.php file to include Elasticsearch connection settings.

4. Performing Elasticsearch Operations in Laravel

Upon configuring the Elasticsearch connection, you're poised to execute search operations within your Laravel application. Leveraging the Elasticsearch PHP library, you can seamlessly integrate search functionalities into your controllers or service classes.

use Elasticsearch\ClientBuilder;

$client = ClientBuilder::create()



// Example search query

$params = [

'index' => 'my_index',

'body' => [

'query' => [

'match' => [

'field' => 'search_keyword',





$response = $client->search($params);

Utilize Elasticsearch PHP library in controllers or service classes for search operations, handling response data, error cases, pagination, and advanced query options.

By integrating Elasticsearch with Laravel, you unlock Elasticsearch’s robust search capabilities, enabling efficient and flexible data searches in your application.

I hope it can help you...

#Laravel 10